tt comment jun 3 2015 q. "I wish that Brian Wilson were still at WSPD ..." q.. Yet in another "thread": q. "This Carty hating strikes me as being just a little too fashionable, and smacks of group-think of the high-school girl variety." q.. This is all really really really weird. !! Speaking of group-think, Wilson was one of the "leaders":,_Toledo,_Ohio,_2009#Supporters_of_recall or key proponents of the "recall Carty effort":,_Toledo,_Ohio,_2009 back in 2009. Wilson routinely called Carty *"Mayor Pant-Load."* And Carty "said": of Wilson: q. “He was one of the most boring talk show hosts I ever had the opportunity to briefly listen to.” “WSPD will not be hard-pressed to find someone who has a better wit, greater charm, and a far deeper knowledge base than Brian Wilson had." q..