h1. tt comment intermodal jun 4 2015 bq. _"Remember when intermodal was cool?"_ That was back in 2007 to 2009. At least on this site. http://toledotalk.com/cgi-bin/tt.pl/search/intermodal Excerpts from a few threads found in the search results: "Strategic Education and Economic Development Corporation":http://toledotalk.com/cgi-bin/tt.pl/article/1427/SEED - Jun 16, 2007 q. SEED was created to take advantage of the strengths of the economic, academic and technological assets of Northwest Ohio, Northeast Indiana and Southeast Michigan for the purpose of developing an international presence – one which will bring economic development/revival to the region. Further, SEED seeks to take advantage of its strategic location at the center of a developing intermodal transportation network. q.. br. "The Future Of Transportation In Lake Erie West":http://toledotalk.com/cgi-bin/tt.pl/article/15803/The_Future_Of_Transportation_In_Lake_Erie_West - May 07, 2008 q. US Rail, a short-line railroad operator chartered in Michigan, with offices in Sylvania, OH, is proposing to construct an intermodal rail yard in Erie Township, MI. This intermodal rail yard would be used as a hub where freight containers from Asia would be transferred between trucks and trains, with a direct railroad line access extending to the pacific coast across Canada. Plans for the rail yard proposal require Erie residents to sell their land or they will be forced through eminent domain. Plans for a 400 acre intermodal facility is in the works at Toledo Express, that would be adjacent to the turnpike and to rail. As Brian [McMahon] pointed out this has been something that has been discussed for 15 years. According to McMahon, it’s not unreasonable to realize that Northwest Ohio could be looking at 5,000 to 10,000 new jobs within a short period of time. There is more than 4 billon square feet of industrial space within a 300-mile radius of Toledo. What does this mean for companies shipping products through the hub? The fewer hours and days spent in transit time, the more money and time the company saves. “Where else in North America can a business get these kinds of demographics?” asks McMahon. “We have something (in Toledo) no one else has.” q.. br. "Toledo State of the City Speech January 5, 2009":http://toledotalk.com/cgi-bin/tt.pl/article/31521/Toledo_State_of_the_City_Speech_January_5_2009 - Mayor Carty q. Thanks to our strategic geography, and convergence of major highway, rail, water and air assets, Toledo has emerged as a major logistics and distribution center. I formed the Intermodal Task Force for Transportation and Logistics to capitalize on our location strengths. Now that the Task Force has issued its recommendations, the City, UT, and the Port Authority will be implementing these goals in 2009 to improve and grow our intermodal capabilities. q.. br. "Toledo mayoral candidate Keith Wilkowski unveils his jobs plan":http://toledotalk.com/cgi-bin/tt.pl/article/38474/Toledo_mayoral_candidate_Keith_Wilkowski_unveils_his_jobs_plan - Jun 24, 2009 q. TRANSPORTATION JOBS: Toledo must aggressively pursue opportunities to build intermodal connections to facilitate the containerized shipment of products that define the efficient movement of good in the 21st Century. In addition to creating intermodal opportunities for the transportation of goods, Toledo should pursue intermodal transportation systems for people by developing high speed passenger rail ... q..