h1. My Web Apps as of June 2015 * Parula - toledotalk.com - message board with wiki and blog features * Junco - jothut.com - community site with social networking (following), wiki, and blog features, but jothut is configured as a single-user site. * ToledoWX - toledotalk.com/weather - JQuery mobile used to display weather info that's created at regular intervals by scripts that run in batch. * Kinglet - soupmode.com - private, web-based messaging app that is part message board, microblog, and messaging. one-to-one or one-to-many. * Grebe - maketoledo.com, birdbrainsbrewing.com, toledowinter.com, babyutoledo.com - multi-user blog tool. * Scaup - scaup.soupmode.com - single-user MemEx (memory extender) app. a stream of notes and articles, sorted by modification date. * Veery - veeryclientperl.soupmode.com - another single-user MemEx stream app, similar to Scaup. #blogging - #wiki - #messaging - #memex - #forums - #web - #programming