h1. Lake Erie Toxic Algae Bloom Info - June 2015 About a dozen charter boat captains scoop up Lake Erie water samples once a week for analysis at Ohio State University’s Stone Laboratory. *Planktothrix,* a microcystin-producing cousin, began growing in Lake Erie’s Sandusky Bay a few weeks ago, which is not unusual. The warmth and shallowness of water there promotes growth of planktothrix from May through October. On Mon, Jun 15,2015, a Lake Erie charter boat operator spotted an algae bloom, about 3.5 miles northeast of the Toledo water intake. The concentration of *microcystis* is so low right now that scientists don’t even know if it’s producing the toxin *microcystin* yet. There’s no sign of it at Toledo’s water intake or the city’s Collins Park Water Treatment Plant. The micro http://www.toledoblade.com/local/2015/06/18/Lake-Erie-microcystis-found-in-low-levels.html http://www.wspd.com/articles/local-news-toledo-315557/less-severe-algal-blooms-expected-13681981/ It's never too early nor too late to -panic- prepare. youtube=RzybAS7zltE