Junco To-Do List Junco = the Blogging-Microblogging app powering this site * add blog_ format option * add favorite/like option ** add ability for users to view posts that they liked * add progressive enhancement * add responsive design * add jquery functionality where appropriate * create mobile-like Web app for phone (jquery mobile) * upload to github * add follow users * enable the edit=yes command to allow others to edit ** add lock code for multiple author editing on same post * done 6mar2013 - add redirect * done 6mar2013 - check for duplicate tags within single post * done 6mar2013 - make the limit n,n work * done 6mar2013 - check for duplicate blog post title * done 6mar2013 - add tags from blog posts to db table * done 6mar2013 - update tag table for tags when blog post is updated * done 7mar2013 - add related articles * done 7mar2013 - add double bracket case support for existing posts * done 7mar2013 - add toc * done 7mar2013 - add power command to disable toc * done 7mar2013 - add curly brace template includes * done 7mar2013 - add .tmpl command * done 7mar2013 - add curly brace embed rss/atom feeds * done 7mar2013 - add add search form * done 7mar2013 - add add simple boolean ops for search * done 8mar2013 - add archives * done 14mar2013 - add rss * done 14mar2013 - add rss on search results * done 14mar2013 - add rss for tag search results * done 20mar2013 - add -framework- dispatch table * done 21mar2013 - add backlinks * done 23mar2013 - change frontpage date-timestamp to show secs/mins/hrs ago * done 21mar2013 - add reply as blog post ** "Post Branching, Not Comments":https://medium.com/medium-ideas/b8e80b4a60e1 * done 22mar2013 - add power command to disable reply as blog post * done 24mar2013 - enable private posts * done 24mar2013 - add the private= command * done 24mar2013 - change b and m counts procedure * done 4Apr2013 - basic style with CSS, including media queries * done 8apr2013 - add invisible=yes option * done 8apr2013 - add ability to post programming and html code * done 9apr2013 - added the image header command * done 9apr2013 - added the large image header command tags: #junco - #programming - #blogging - #microblogging