tt comment - b - jul 1 2015 bq. _"... reactivate the Coyote Alert system."_ Blast from the past. That was "from": 2003. Mmm, it's an unattractive color-coded system. * %{background:#008080; color:#eee;padding: 2px;}Teal = LOW% - No recent coyote sightings. * %{background:#964B00; color:#eee;padding: 2px;}Brown = MEDIUM% - Coyotes have been sighted in and around Toledo. Residents should keep an eye on their pets. * %{background:#222; color:#eee;padding: 2px;}Black = HIGH% - Coyote attacks have occurred. br. Suggested new colors and text descriptions for the Coyote Alert System. * %{background:#76FF03; color:#000;padding: 2px;}piccolo - Stay calm.% * %{background:#FFFF00; color:#000;padding: 2px;}medio - Replenish Y2K cache.% * %{background:#FF4081; color:#000;padding: 2px;}grande - Repent.% br. * %{background:#EA80FC; color:#000;padding: 2px;}HIGH - Repent.%