tt post mon jul 27 2015 - d quote=193688 Prior to Toledo's strong mayor form of government, I did not realize that Toledo mayoral elections were held every two years. Carty has "run": as a Republican, a Democrat, and an Independent for various political offices. He served on city council for several years. It appears that Carty ran for mayor in 1981 as a Republican and lost. He may have run for mayor in 1987 as a Democrat and lost. br. In 2010, Carty "joined": the "No Labels" "movement.": q. No Labels encompasses politicians, commentators, and strategists of both major political parties who fear that extremists are keeping the nation from making the tough changes necessary to keep the economy and the republic strong. *"I think the voice of the +reasonable+ has become diminished,"* said Mr. Finkbeiner. q.. Carty, the Reasonable, joined a group to combat extremists. q. Participants such as Mr. Finkbeiner say No Labels is not aiming to be a third party. "We are not being asked to abandon our parties. What we are working to do is to work vigorously in support of centrist Democrats and centrist Republicans gaining strength and those persons continuing to reach across the aisle and work with the centrists on the other side of the aisle," Mr. Finkbeiner said. q.. ???? br. Carty has always been a member of the Carty Party. q. A Democrat, Mr. Finkbeiner, has a record of political independence. Some in the past have said his loyalty was to the "Carty party." He was the unsuccessful Republican nominee for Congress in 1974 and 1976, was elected to City Council as a Republican in 1979, and *ran unsuccessfully for mayor as a Republican in 1981.* In 1983, Mr. Finkbeiner led a new *third party, Citizens Organized and United for a New Toledo (COUNT),* winning election to council under that banner and becoming the first elected independent on council since 1959. In 1985, Mr. Finkbeiner sought, but did not get, the Democratic endorsement for City Council, winning the election anyway. The political transformation was complete in *1987 when the Lucas County Democratic Party endorsed him for mayor.* q.. br. My history of Toledo government began as a Rossford resident on the humorous election night in November 1993 when exit polls and the Toledo media projected Mike Ferner to be the new mayor of Toledo. But I think that Carty refused to concede because he wanted to wait until the votes were counted, which is always a good idea. And, of course, Carty "won.": q. Hours after the last vote was cast, exit polls showed [Carty] down 10 points. Two TV stations had already declared opponent Mike Ferner the winner. [Carty] concentrated on being stoic in the face of *his third loss for the mayor's seat* - and perhaps the last political race of his career. “I was not of the mind that we were on the verge of a huge surprise,” recalls Mr. Finkbeiner. Two hours later, the smile returned. He had eked out the *closest victory in modern mayoral history,* winning by just 702 votes. He credits his secret weapon: Some people like him, but don't want to admit it publicly. q.. br. Support for voting: If more people had voted for Ferner in 1993, then Carty would have never run for mayor again. I doubt that. * In Toledo's 1993 mayoral election, over 90,000 votes were cast. ** Toledo's population in 1990 was 332,943. * In Toledo's 2013 mayoral election, only 49,500 votes were cast. ** Toledo's population in 2010 was 287,208. br. Recent "Toledo mayors":,_Ohio : table{width:460px}. |1971–1976| Harry W. Kessler| Democratic| |1977–1983| Douglas DeGood| Democratic| |1983–1989| Donna Owens| Republican| |1990–1993| John McHugh| Democratic| |1994–2002| Carleton S. Finkbeiner| Democratic| |2002–2006| Jack Ford| Democratic| |2006–2010| Carleton S. Finkbeiner| Democratic| |2010–2014| Michael P. Bell| Independent| |2014-2015| D. Michael Collins| Independent| |2015-present| Paula Hicks-Hudson| Democratic|