tt post thu jul 30 2015 - b I get the feeling that some Toledoans do not know the difference between raw lake water and tap water. With the daily testing process continuing, the city will post to its website the microcystin levels detected in raw Lake Erie water. Thu, Jul 30, 2015, 5:09 p.m. EDT "tweet": by the City of Toledo: q. Water samples tested with the ELISA test today show RAW lake erie water at 0.5 ppb, and NON-detect in the tap. q.. Microcystin levels detected in raw Lake Erie water near Toledo's intake crib: * Mon, Jul 27 = 0.5 ppb * Tue, Jul 28 = 0.4 ppb * Wed, Jul 29 = 1.0 ppb * Thu, Jul 30 = 0.5 ppb #toledo - #politics - #lakeerie - #water