h1. aug 4 2015 tt comment Reporting from the desk at the *Hypersensitive Public News Network,* here are the latest highlights about our green wave. br. 2015 microcystin levels detected in ++*raw*++ Lake Erie water near Toledo's intake crib: * Mon, Jul 27 = 0.5 ppb * Tue, Jul 28 = 0.4 ppb * Wed, Jul 29 = 1.0 ppb * Thu, Jul 30 = 0.5 ppb * Fri, Jul 31 = 0.0 ppb * Sat, Aug 1 = 0.4 ppb * Sun, Aug 2 = 0.4 ppb * Mon, Aug 3 = 0.6 ppb * Tue, Aug 4 = 0.6 ppb No microcystin has been detected in our treated water. br. The daily test results for raw lake water can be found at this PDF file titled "08 2015 Microcystin Action Level Data.":http://toledo.oh.gov/media/186289/08-2015-microcystin-action-data-level-report.pdf You can navigate to this PDF file by doing the following: # visit the city's website at "toledo.oh.gov":http://toledo.oh.gov # click the "click here":http://toledo.oh.gov/services/public-utilities/water-treatment/water-quality/ link under "TOLEDO WATER DASHBOARD # on the left side of the page, click "Microcystin Action Level Data":http://toledo.oh.gov/services/public-utilities/water-treatment/microcystin-action-level-data/ # then click the "August PDF file link":http://toledo.oh.gov/media/186289/08-2015-microcystin-action-data-level-report.pdf br. A reminder about acceptable microcystin levels in our ++*tap water*++ according to the U.S. EPA: * 1.6 parts per billion for people of school-age and older. * 0.3 parts per billion for infants and children younger than 6 years old, pregnant women, nursing mothers, people with liver conditions, and those on dialysis. br. 4:16 p.m., Aug 4, 2015 "tweet":https://twitter.com/IgnazioMessina/status/628660891496644608 by Ignazio Messina with my emphasis added: q. @city_of_toledo *Utilities Director says he's now under gag order,* cannot talk to media. We can only talk to Stacy Weber, @phh4Toledo's *PIO* q.. br. In my opinion, the panicky public deserves to know why the city's public information officer is more qualified than the utilities director to speak to the media about the quality of our water. Is it because of the "late June CSO debacle":http://toledotalk.com/cgi-bin/tt.pl/article/192764#192899 combined with the city's report "released":http://www.toledoblade.com/local/2015/08/01/June-27-rains-led-to-algae-growth.html on Fri, Jul 31? Is it because of what was posted in this Fri, Jul 31 Blade "story?":http://www.toledoblade.com/local/2015/07/31/City-resumes-microcystin-daily-testing.html q. Public Utilities Director Ed Moore said he drinks the city’s tap water and drank it last year even during the do-not-drink advisory because he believed *it was never unsafe for consumption.* q.. Did Moore imply that we never had a crisis last year? The story behind the story. Hopefully, Messina presses PH2 for an explanation. But I doubt that Messina receives a legitimate reason from the apparently secretive administration of mayor Paula Hicks-Hudson. Maybe PH2 will now drop below Czarty for worst Toledo mayor, regarding transparency. Jul 29, 2015 "tweet":https://twitter.com/IgnazioMessina/status/626384074463162368 by Ignazio Messina q. In terms of transparency, I rate past 4 @city_of_toledo administrations, best-worst @DMCToledo, @mikebell4tol, @phh4Toledo, @OfficialCarty q.. br. And, it seems to us, Fred Friendly and myself, that this is a subject that should be argued about endlessly. Stay nervous, my friends. From everyone at the Hypersensitive Public News Network, good night, and good luck.