# Installing Waxwing markdown=yes Make appropriate DNS changes for the domain name or subdomain name. Then on the server: * cd /home * mkdir 'dirname' * cd 'dirname' * git clone http:// (waxwing repo) * cd Waxwing/couchdb * vim create-db.sh [change db name] * ./create-db.sh * vim create-author.sh [make appropriate changes] * ./create-author.sh * vim create-views.pl [change db name] * ./create-views.pl * cd ../elasticsearch * vim connect-elasticsearch-to-couchdb.sh [change db name] * ./connect-elasticsearch-to-couchdb.sh * cd ../tmpl * vim addimageform.tmpl [change URLs] * vim stream.tmpl [change URL] * cd ../yaml * vim waxwing.yml [make appropriate changes] * cd ../lib/App * vim Config.pm [edit waxwing.yml location] * vim /etc/hosts [add domain] * cd /home/'dirname'/Waxwing/root * mkdir images * if necessary: * cd /home * chown -R user:group 'dirname' * cd /etc/nginx/sites-available * [create nginx config file] * ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/config-file /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/config-file * service nginx restart * access URL