h1. tt post aug 21 2015 Is standing in the middle of flowing traffic considered legal or illegal solicitation? br. Aug 20, 2015 "tweet":https://twitter.com/lelindstrom/status/634482853649231872 by Toledo Blade reporter Lauren Lindstrom q. Spotted: Carty saying hi at Sylvania/Lewis red light. It turned green before I could yell "When are you declaring?" !https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CM4ivzpWoAAZc0c.jpg! q.. br. Aug 18, 2015 Facebook "post":https://www.facebook.com/yeahimfromtoledo/videos/531906306956993 with video by Yeah, I'm From Toledo: q. Carty was in the middle of the Trail *again.* Green means go and get out of the road. q.. facebook=531906306956993 br. In the past, Carty has shown that he believes that laws don't apply to him. But maybe according to Toledo code, it's perfectly fine to solicit in the middle of congested traffic in construction zones. 2014 Blade "story":http://www.toledoblade.com/A-E/2014/10/26/Panhandlers-have-right-to-ask-for-money-answer-is-up-to-you.html about panhandling: q. Toledo code says it is *unlawful to solicit* in the following places or conditions: Any public transportation vehicle Within 20 feet of an automatic teller machine, or an entrance to a bank From any operator or occupant of a motor vehicle, or from any person entering or exiting a motor vehicle At any bus stop. Within 20 feet of any crosswalk. While standing in line, waiting to be admitted into a commercial establishment. In a manner that would alarm, intimidate, threaten, menace, harass, or coerce a reasonable person. Using profane or abusive language or gestures, either during the solicitation, or following a refusal By touching the solicited person, without consent to the touching. q.. br. Jul 23, 2015 - Toledo Blade - "Finkbeiner ticketed for taking campaign to the streets":http://www.toledoblade.com/local/2015/07/23/Finkbeiner-ticketed-for-taking-campaign-to-the-streets.html - _"Potential Toledo mayoral candidate’s Interaction with driver held up traffic"_ q. Mr. Finkbeiner was cited under Toledo Municipal Code 371.01 for *"use of highway for soliciting."* He can either pay the ticket through the mail or request a court hearing. The fine and court costs would be $158.00. q.. br. "Toledo Municipal Code":http://www.amlegal.com/nxt/gateway.dll/Ohio/toledo/toledomunicipalcode?f=templates$fn=default.htm$3.0$vid=amlegal:toledo_oh *371.01. Right of way in crosswalk.* q. No pedestrian shall suddenly leave a curb or other place of safety and walk or run into the path of a vehicle which is so close as to constitute an immediate hazard. q.. *371.05. Walking along highways.* q. Where a sidewalk is provided and its use is practicable, no pedestrian shall walk along and upon an adjacent roadway. Where a sidewalk is not available, any pedestrian walking along and upon a highway shall walk only on a shoulder, as far as practicable from the edge of the roadway. q.. *371.06. Use of highway for soliciting; riding on outside of vehicles.* q. No person shall stand on a highway for the purpose of soliciting employment, business or contributions from the occupant of any vehicle. q.. Technicalities? Carty was campaigning. Supporters stood nearby with political campaign signs. Carty was soliciting voter support. It appears to me that Carty is intentionally breaking the law. Apparently, rules do not apply to him. Monitoring this clown's illegal activity looks like a job for a traffic enforcement camera or a Chicken Tom drone. #toledo #politics