h1. tt post aug 24 2015 Why for Carty? One main "reason":http://www.toledoblade.com/Politics/2015/08/23/With-packed-field-marijuana-vote-anything-could-happen.html : q. [Czarty] gave a speech at the Toledo Warehouse District Association on Aug. 18 endorsing merging city and county government, with the argument that the *suburban communities should do more to ++subsidize++ the cost of running Toledo.* q.. And you know that Czarty is not the only Toledo official who thinks that way. But I understand. Toledo's population declines by 1,000 to 2,000 people per year. Anything positive that happens in the Toledo *+area+* does so in spite of and not because of the Toledo-based politicians. The most dangerous toxin in this region may not be the microcystin in Lake Erie. It might be a politician who lives in Toledo. At least microcystin is seasonal, and it can be treated.