h1. sep 9, 2015 tt post On Labor Day, I polished my tinfoil hat, and I added new wiring and alligator clips. I'm pulling in strong signals tonight. In my "opinion,":http://toledotalk.com/cgi-bin/tt.pl/article/194423/19Aug2015/2015_Toledo_Mayoral_Election the top-two candidates in this fall's Toledo mayoral election are Mike Bell and Carty Finkbeiner with Paula Hicks-Hudson running third. The state democrat party plans to "pour":http://toledotalk.com/cgi-bin/tt.pl/article/194423#194857 big money into the PH2 campaign, which will probably dwarf the spending by any other single candidate. Two weekends ago, it's possible that Carty was the "target":http://toledotalk.com/cgi-bin/tt.pl/article/194457#194746 of a political hatchet job. This past weekend, maybe Bell was the target of a political hatchet job. The top-two candidates may have been harassed on consecutive weekends. And it's only the second week of September. It will probably get juicier in October. I imply nothing. I'm enjoying the signals from Vega after making contact. !http://toledotalk.com/smileys/cool.png! hr. br. Excerpts from Wesley's Sep 8, 2015 Facebook "post":https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=910827428984464&id=105348036199078 q. we did request a customer to leave on Friday night between 1230am & 1am. It was a black male in his 50s or 60s and he was ejected for having rudely groped several women. However, it was not Mike Bell. q.. Could this whole thing be a minor issue of mistaken identity by the former office manager of the Lucas County Democrat Party, which has endorsed Paula Hicks-Hudson for mayor of Toledo? More from Wesley's: q. *The Toledo Blade made no attempt to contact the management at Wesley's before publishing their article.* They did not verify any information with us nor seek out our voice. Had they done so they would have been told what I told them when I called them today. *At no time have I ever received any complaints about Mike Bell.* He is just another whiskey drinkin' cowboy on a Harley. q.. !https://farm1.staticflickr.com/599/21073886218_a6c9db8a05_n.jpg! #toledo #politics #humor #media