h1. tt post - sep 23, 2015 quote=195447 Maybe Toledo City Councilwoman Lindsey Webb will provide a quote. On Sat, Sep 12, 2015, a gaggle of irrational Hickey supporters appeared at a school board gathering. From the Sep 12 Blade "story":http://www.toledoblade.com/Education/2015/09/12/Sponsorship-continues-to-draw-controversy-at-Washington-Local.html : q. Scores of people turned out for a board of education work session early today to be heard on the matter, with many of them speaking in defense of Superintendent of Schools Patrick Hickey. Also speaking today was *Lindsay Webb,* a Toledo city councilman who is the mother of a kindergartner in the Washington district. She said the district would decline quickly if it dismisses Mr. Hickey, because *excellent leaders* are hard to replace. “I love politics. *I know how to play politics,”* Ms. Webb said. “Up to this point, I haven’t come close to Washington Local Schools races. That will change starting today.” q.. Was that some kind of a goon threat by Webb? Why were so many Hickey fanatics angry at the school board, which appeared simply to be doing its job of investigating a serious matter? Are these people opposed to truth, transparency, and decency? Since Webb is a political hack, it's understandable why she would be opposed to truth and transparency. I'm guessing that the delusional Hickey supporters will glum on this part of Nolan's "story,":http://www.toledoblade.com/Education/2015/09/23/Staff-member-claims-unwanted-contact-by-Hickey.html published in the Sep 23, 2015 issue of the Blade: q. ... the district or its attorneys say the investigation concluded that the *staff member was ++not++ subjected to harassment* ... q.. Now it's about the definition of "harassment.":