h1. Syria news - Oct 1, 2015 Russia, USA, Iran, Syria, ISIS, rebels, etc. Need a flow chart or a program guide to explain the relationships. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3255876/Russia-pouring-gasoline-fire-Syria-s-civil-war-says-America-Putin-defies-West-drops-bombs-non-ISIS-forces-fighting-Assad.html https://ca.news.yahoo.com/were-targeting-terrorists-syria-kremlin-093858253.html http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/10/01/us-mideast-crisis-syria-iranians-idUSKCN0RV4DN20151001 http://news.yahoo.com/russian-strikes-again-expose-us-disarray-201634156.html q. As US Secretary of State John Kerry was in New York trying to coordinate with his Kremlin opposite number Sergei Lavrov, a Russian officer contacted the US embassy in Baghdad. His message was simple: Russian jets are about to launch air strikes in Syria, please stay out of their way. This would be a plain victory for Assad, who invited the Russians to join his battle to cling on to power, and a defeat for the United States, which has demanded he step down. q.. I think that the U.S. has supported the rebels who hate the U.S. And I forget who ISIS opposes in Syria. Probably everyone. #syria - #news