h1. tt post 2 - oct 8, 2015
At "toledo.oh.gov,":http://toledo.oh.gov I saw no mention of the Adams Street open container zone in the Sep 29, 2015 Toledo City Council meeting agenda.
The next city council meeting is scheduled for Tue, Oct 13, 2015, and the agenda summary listed below also does not mention the outdoor refreshment area.
To learn when council may address this issue, I guess that one should contact a city councilperson or contact the Village on Adams organization.
* http://www.villageonadams.org
* https://www.facebook.com/TheVillageOnAdams
Toledo City Council
++Preliminary Agenda Summary - October 13, 2015++
*Resolutions in Attendance*
* Resolution - Declare Toledo Seafood Week, October 19 - 25
* Resolution - Recognize Maritime Academy of Toledo, 18 seniors sailing with crew of USS Niagara
* Resolution - Welcome 12 students from Max Planck School, Delmenhorst, Germany
br. *Second Reading Items*
* 483-15 Lease-purchase 12 vehicles & purchase 7 vehicles for Parks, Rec & Forestry, $1,485,525 CapR & Assess
* 484-15 Expenditures for playgrounds at Feeback, Gunckel, Macelwane & Harry Kessler Parks, $50,000 CIP
* 485-15 Waive $50,000 payment from Master Golf Management due to Ottawa Park bridge repair Nov. to March
br. *New Items from City Council*
* Resolution - Adopt calendar for 2016
* Change name of Grove Place St. to Art Museum Dr., as requested by Toledo Museum of Art
* Extend for 6 months SUP for cell tower at 4621 Glendale Ave., until April 13, 2016, Ord. 491-14
br. *New Items from the Administration*
# Additional appropriation for chemicals for Collins Park Water Treatment Plant, $3,000,000 Water Oper
# Appropriation for resurfacing of intersection of Perrys-Holl, Garden & Heatherdowns, $150,000 SCM&R
# Expenditure for CCTV equipment for sewer inspections for Sewer & Drainage Srvcs, $400,000 Swr Rpl
# Amend TMC Sec. 545.21 to change permit from Dept. of Inspection to Chief Building Official
# Release Sustainable Local Foods Toledo from lease at Erie St. Market and repayment of EDL loan
# Landbanking Sale - 856 Oakwood Ave. to Bekos Market II, LLC to combine with 3 parcels, $150
# Expenditure to MetLife Insurance Co. for life insurance coverage, 2 years, $225,000/year various Funds
# Real estate listing agreement w/ Industrial Developers Ltd for redevelopment of former Southwyck prop