h1. Persian Yoga Collecting info. more. #health - #exercise - #home - #history Some terms: * shena * asana * varzesh-e pahlevani - touted as the reason why Iranians are regular winners at international wrestling and weight-lifting events. * varzesh-e bastani - the zourkhaneh system of training is what is now known as varzesh-e bastani. * koshti pahlevani - form of wrestling practiced under the varzesh-e bastani system. * zoorkhaneh / zurkhaneh - literally the "house of strength". * koshti - traditional Iranian wrestling, dating back to ancient Persia and Parthia http://www.persianyoga.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYiwwvOF46Y https://www.facebook.com/persianyoga http://www.indianclubs.com.au/2205/persian-yoga-three-ways-improving-meel-swing/ http://www.zurkhaneh.com.au/blog/benefits-of-zurkhaneh-persian-yoga-martial-arts-conditioning https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pahlevani_and_zoorkhaneh_rituals : q. ... a traditional Iranian system of athletics originally used to train warriors. It combines martial arts, calisthenics, strength training and music. Recognized by UNESCO as among the world's longest-running forms of such training, it fuses elements of pre-Islamic Persian culture (particularly Zoroastrianism, Mithraism and Gnosticism) with the spirituality of Shia Islam and Sufism. Practiced in a domed structure called the zurkhaneh, training sessions consist mainly of ritual gymnastic movements and climax with the core of combat practice, a form of submission-grappling called koshti pahlevani. q.. http://www.persianyoga.com/history.html https://www.alignbreatheconnect.com/persian-yoga-on-the-north-shore.html http://www.persianyoga.com/blog/how-to-recover-from-rotator-cuff-injuries-injury-proof-your-shoulders q. Asanas collectively constitute the physical aspect of Yoga and are known to have immense physical and mental health benefits. Different authors or schools of yoga may have different names for an asana. Many asanas have multiple names or one name may refer to multiple asanas. q.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_asanas https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yoga_Sutras_of_Patanjali#Eight_limbs https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adho_Mukha_Svanasana http://www.persianyoga.com/store/p6/Shena_Board_.html http://www.persianyoga.com/blog http://www.persianyoga.com/blog/top-10-benefits-of-swinging-persian-meel http://www.persianyoga.com/uploads/1/7/0/7/17075132/1728536_orig.jpg http://persianyoga.simplybook.me/index/about http://www.rmaxinternational.com/flowcoach/?p=446 https://www.alignbreatheconnect.com/persian-yoga-on-the-north-shore.html http://www.zurkhaneh.com.au/blog/benefits-of-zurkhaneh-persian-yoga-martial-arts-conditioning