h1. Dave Winer posts in early January 2016 My current "bookmarks page":http://jothut.com/cgi-bin/junco.pl/blogpost/63996/Bookmarks-Lite-2 of sites that I visit or feeds that I consume includes a link to DW's feed near the top of the list. I access his feed multiple times per day to see what new insights he has posted. I'm mainly interested in his thoughts and projects regarding web publishing. I agree and disagree with his tech posts. I don't care about the other topics. I don't access his Facebook or Twitter pages, except in extremely rare occasions. I read the RSS feed from his blog. Here is how I read Dave Winer's writings: "feed page.":http://jothut.com/cgi-bin/junco.pl/blogpost/863/Dave-Winer-Scriptingcom I use my custom "feed" command that is included within my Junco code that powers this site. The feed command also exists in the Parula code that powers my message board at ToledoTalk.com. Here's how it works. The feed= is surrounded by two curly braces at each end. The line must begin at the start of a new line in order for it to work. {{feed=http://scripting.com/rss.xml desc}} I'd like to excerpt from and comment about three DW posts that he made over the past couple days. * Jan 4, 2016 - "Leave nothing but footprints":http://scripting.com/liveblog/users/davewiner/2016/01/04/0790.html * Jan 4, 2016 - "Why tech insiders must be on Facebook":http://scripting.com/liveblog/users/davewiner/2016/01/04/0787.html * Jan 5, 2016 - "Re Twitter easing the 140-char limit":http://scripting.com/liveblog/users/davewiner/2016/01/05/0796.html Dave claims that he likes the open web, and he often rails against silos, such as Twitter and Facebook. A couple years ago when I discoveredI heard the #indieweb use the word silo to describe social media sites