h1. Blogosphere v2.0? "Blogosphere", that's a rarely used word from the past, as in 10 to 15 years ago. Dave Winer's Jan 26, 2016 blog post titled "Booting up a fresh blogosphere":http://scripting.com/liveblog/users/davewiner/2016/01/26/0934.html q. My recent piece, Anywhere But Medium, has gotten a fair amount of play. q.. The Indieweb group has been championing this idea for a few years now. DW might be a little late to catch on, but because he has a large audience of readers, he can spread the concepts. For some reason, DW does not write about the Indieweb. I think that he dislikes the group because the Indieweb prefers Microformats over RSS. I agree with DW on this. I like Microformats, but I'll stick with using RSS for feeds. The second choice would be a JSON format. Putting the feed debate aside, the Indieweb has produced many other positive ideas, such as Webmentions, that DW should investigate,