h1. Wren - Static blog generator Mar 1, 2016 Thinking about this. I will base it upon my Article Preview app, created back in January and the test static page site, created with a command prompt script, created in February. http://article.soupmode.com http://article.soupmode.com/static Need: * create and update markup. * when updating, a backup of the markup is created when the content is saved. * convert markup to html. a separate process or converted at the same time markup is saved, like i do with my database-backed web publishing apps? * maintain a master list of articles with title, slug, date, possibly in JSON format. this would be used to create the list of archives pages. index.html would not be a part of this. index.html will be created like a normal article page. * need a login mech and auth check, probably similar to my apps that only require an email address to log in. mailgun will be used to send the login session activation link. cookies will bet set and checked. Things to include: * sitemap.xml - a Google compatible sitemap of the content on the site. * search with some other search engine, like DuckDuckGo or Google. * cache by using Nginx's caching mechanism ** http://jothut.com/cgi-bin/junco.pl/blogpost/60302/10Sep2015/Nginx-Caching ** http://jothut.com/cgi-bin/junco.pl/blogpost/21154/14May2015/Installing-nodejs-nginx-mysql-junco-and-ghost-on-Digital-Ocean-Droplet#Installing-Nginx ** http://jothut.com/cgi-bin/junco.pl/blogpost/44995/02Oct2014/HTTP-Caching ** http://jothut.com/cgi-bin/junco.pl/blogpost/45403/02Oct2014/Http-caching-oct-2-2014 h3. Formatting Commands Used at Article Preview app at http://article.soupmode.com Samples: http://jothut.com/cgi-bin/junco.pl/blogpost/65125/Article-format-app Can use either Markdown/Multimarkdown or Textile. The markup chose depends upon how the title line is created. The title line is the first line in the markup. If it begins with a pound sign, the markup uses Markdown. If the title line begins with @h1.@ then the markup uses Textile. Commands that can be used within the markup: css. (code) css.. more. toc=yes|NO using_css=YES|no tint_image_header=yes|NO title_over_image=yes|NO publish_info_at_top=yes|NO url_to_link=YES|no hashtag_to_link=yes|NO newline_to_br=YES|no headings_as_links=yes|NO aside=text imageheader=url largeimageheader=url #wren #blogging