hiring - march 2016 http://danluu.com/programmer-moneyball/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11326940 hn top rated comment: q. I've found that the best predictors of a good hire are indications of the following characteristics during the interview/vetting process: - adaptability -- can this person deal with situations that are spontaneous and unplanned without losing his/her cool. - openness -- is this person instinctively scornful of new concepts/ideas or energized by the chance to be exposed to something potentially interesting. - resourcefulness -- has this person found ways to keep learning after college and has he/she continued to up his/her game. - desire to ship -- does this person have a deep desire to produce work that will be used by others. - desire to grow -- does this person have clear career growth goals. Ideally these are not tied to titles or bossing others around, which are negatives. - rationality -- can this person admit to being wrong and speak about it authentically... can I imagine this person admitting to being slightly wrong and even very wrong about something and handling it gracefully. - territoriality -- does this person seem territorial or speak about issues of proudly defending turf in previous positions? Doing so is a negative. - poker face -- does this person seem to be playing it close to the vest in the interview or otherwise have very low levels of openness? This is a big warning sign and an instant do not hire. q.. #jobs