# Article Preview README.md markdown=yes Formatting Commands Used at Article Preview app at http://article.soupmode.com Samples: http://jothut.com/cgi-bin/junco.pl/blogpost/65125/Article-format-app Can use either Markdown/Multimarkdown or Textile. The markup chose depends upon how the title line is created. The title line is the first line in the markup. If it begins with a pound sign, the markup uses Markdown. If the title line begins with @h1.@ then the markup uses Textile. Commands that can be used within the markup: css. (code) css.. more. toc=yes|NO using_css=YES|no tint_image_header=yes|NO title_over_image=yes|NO publish_info_at_top=yes|NO url_to_link=YES|no hashtag_to_link=yes|NO newline_to_br=YES|no headings_as_links=yes|NO aside=text imageheader=url largeimageheader=url