h1. Presidential politics explained by the movie 'Ides of March' I like movies about politics and/or media. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ides_of_March_(film) Quotes from the reporter named Ida, played by George Costanza's girlfriend Marisa Tomei: http://www.imsdb.com/scripts/Ides-of-March,-The.html bq. "You really buy into all this crap? All this take back the country nonsense?" bq. "You really have drunk the kool-aid." bq. "It won't matter [who wins]... Not one bit to the everyday lives of everyday fuckers who work and eat and sleep and get up and go back to work again. If your boy wins... You get a job in the white house... If he loses you're back at a consulting firm on K Street... That's it." #politics #movie #humor #quote