h1. Presidential politics explained by the movie 'Ides of March' I like movies about politics and/or media. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ides_of_March_(film) Quotes from the reporter named Ida, played by George Costanza's girlfriend Marisa Tomei: http://www.imsdb.com/scripts/Ides-of-March,-The.html bq. "You really buy into all this crap? All this take back the country nonsense?" bq. "You really have drunk the kool-aid." bq. "It won't matter [who wins]... Not one bit to the everyday lives of everyday fuckers who work and eat and sleep and get up and go back to work again. If your boy wins...You get a job in the white house...If he loses you're back at a consulting firm on K Street...That's it. #politics #movie #humor #quote