h1. one-minute of intense exercise q. 1 Minute of All-Out Exercise May Have Benefits of 45 Minutes of Moderate Exertion q.. http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2016/04/27/1-minute-of-all-out-exercise-may-equal-45-minutes-of-moderate-exertion/ # warmed up for two minutes on stationary bicycle # *pedaled as hard as possible for 20 seconds* # rode at a very slow pace for two minutes # *sprinted all-out again for 20 seconds* # recovered with slow riding for another two minutes # *pedaled all-out for a final 20 seconds* # cooled down for three minutes q. The entire workout lasted 10 minutes, with only one minute of that time being strenuous. q.. Warm-up and cool-down for however long. Basically, alternate 20 seconds hard with 2 minutes easy for however many sets. http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/02/26/how-to-get-fit-in-a-few-minutes-a-week/ http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/06/19/the-4-minute-workout/ http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2016/03/18/ask-well-20-seconds-to-better-fitness/ #exercise #health