h1. Facebook and its media operation Is this more media whining, since it's an industry that whines a lot, or does this article actually have merit? Only media people will think much about this. The Facebook masses won't care. hr. http://gizmodo.com/want-to-know-what-facebook-really-thinks-of-journalists-1773916117 http://mediagazer.com/160503/p13#a160503p13 John Gruber / Daring Fireball: Inside Facebook's ‘Trending News’ Team Lindsey Ellefson / Mediaite: The Journalists Behind Facebook's Trending News: ‘We Were Treated in This Robot Way’ John Herrman / @jwherrman: this passage will follow facebook around for a long, long time http://gizmodo.com/... pic.twitter.com/1wThAnuKRx Brian Feldman / New York Magazine: The Secret Behind Facebook's Trending Topics Bar Rose Pastore / Fast Company: Former Facebook contractors describe “grueling,” “humiliating” work conditions Zeynep Tufekci / @zeynep: About that Gizmodo story and Facebook's curators. The core is this: Facebook is a social space and a gatekeeper—and that space is for sale. Zeynep Tufekci / @zeynep: On Facebook choosing between sources. There is no neutral method here. They do & will have to make choices. Algo/bot/human mix— but choices. Jeff Sneider / @theinsneider: Gizmodo exposes the dirty little secret behind Facebook's Trending Topics. Variety benefited http://gizmodo.com/... http://twitter.com/... Peter Kafka / Re/code: TFW you realize the robot you trained is going to take your job Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: Bots are more reliable and never complain about working long hours http://twitter.com/... Mike Cernovich / @cernovich: Mainstream “journalists” are *literally* basement dwelling losers. via @Nero http://gizmodo.com/... http://twitter.com/... Ninja Economics / @ninjaeconomics: So, avoid news outlets that appeal to blacks or conservatives. “Curation” is just for white liberals then. Got it. http://twitter.com/... Rafat Ali / @rafat: Surprise, scale-game working environments are shitty. http://twitter.com/... @derektmead: yeah def read this http://gizmodo.com/... Joe Hanson / @jtotheizzoe: This story on Facebook's “trending news” tool makes me feel not-so-comfortable http://gizmodo.com/... http://twitter.com/... Will Federman / @wfederman: This is what happened when Facebook hired journalists to curate news trends: “We were truly slaves to the algorithm” http://gizmodo.com/... Betsy Rothstein / The Daily Caller: Facebook ‘News Curators’ Show Bias Towards ‘Preferred Media Outlets’ Timothy B. Lee / @binarybits: I feel like this article never explains what's “degrading as a human being” about a job writing 20 headlines a day. http://gizmodo.com/... @kifleswing: When I worked curating Facebook Paper's tech section (remember that?) they told me to just rip off Techmeme http://gizmodo.com/... Iain Manley / @iainmanley: The journalist curators that decide what is “trending” on Facebook, while teaching software how to replace them: http://gizmodo.com/... Josh Quittner / @twittner: I'm having this tattooed on my face: “We were truly slaves to the algorithm.” http://gizmodo.com/... Steven Perlberg / @perlberg: so it looks like Facebook treats its news contractors.... sort of like digital media companies have http://gizmodo.com/... Mat Honan / @mat: “as the algorithm got better, there was a sense that at some point the humans would be replaced” http://gizmodo.com/... Laura Hazard Owen / @laurahazardowen: I am not horrified by this unless FB totally misled these ppl about what the nature of their work would be. http://gizmodo.com/... Justin Miller / @justinjm1: .@Gizmodo blows the doors off media's most feared company: Facebook http://gizmodo.com/... http://twitter.com/... Carl Franzen / @carlfranzen: How your Facebook Trending News sausage is made via @MichaelFNunez http://gizmodo.com/... http://twitter.com/... The Federalist: Surprise! Facebook Blacklists Trending Topics And Conservative News Outlets Joshua Benton / @jbenton: I'm wondering what these people expected: that they'd be opening up Facebook's Cairo bureau or something? http://gizmodo.com/... Mikael Thalen / @mikaelthalen: Contractors tell @Gizmodo that all trending news stories on Facebook are hand-picked http://gizmodo.com/... http://twitter.com/... Nellie Bowles / @nelliebowles: Gizmodo under @katiedrumm is so so so good http://twitter.com/... John Cook / @johnjcook: when will your judgment and experience be harvested for the algorithm? http://gizmodo.com/... Paul Joseph Watson / @prisonplanet: Facebook ‘blacklists’ trending news topics it doesn't like on a “daily basis” and relegates conservative sites. http://gizmodo.com/... Libby Watson / @libbycwatson: “We had to write in the most passive tense possible,” which explains headlines “in an alien-esque, passive language” http://gizmodo.com/... @chanders: Not bots that act like humans but humans that act like bots. http://twitter.com/... @chillmage: Facebook has a higher opinion of bots than journalists http://gizmodo.com/... Andrea Castillo / @anjiecast: Former Facebook curators: company can and does blacklist stories it doesn't like from trending status http://gizmodo.com/... Katie Drummond / @katiedrumm: This is god's work from @MichaelFNunez and I am very glad we're doing ithttp://gizmodo.com/want-to-know- what-facebook-really-thinks-of- journalists-1773916117 ... Tomio Geron / @tomiogeron: “We choose what's trending,” “There was no real standard for measuring what qualified as news and what didn't.” http://bit.ly/1rtuH2B Rob Marvin / @rjmarvin1: This @Gizmodo story makes me both sad and scared for Facebook-driven web journalismhttp://gizmodo.com/want-to- know-what-facebook-really-thinks-of- journalists-1773916117 ... Carl Franzen / @carlfranzen: “many former employees suspect that Facebook's eventual goal is to replace its human curators with a robotic one.” http://bit.ly/1riU5aZ Erik Malinowski / @erikmal: facebook literally had bloggers working out of its basementhttp://gizmodo.com/want-to- know-what-facebook-really-thinks-of- journalists-1773916117 ... Stefan Constantine / @whatthebit: lololololol facebook hates journalistshttp://gizmodo.com/want-to- know-what-facebook-really-thinks-of- journalists-1773916117 ... Kim Fox / @kimfox: Want to Know What Facebook Really Thinks of Journalists? Here's What Happened When It Hired Some.: http://gizmodo.com/... Andrew Beaujon / @abeaujon: Facebook news curators say they had “the power to ‘deactivate’ (or blacklist) a trending topic” http://bit.ly/1pYpGh8 Anthony Quintano / @anthonyquintano: Facebook's “Trending” is exactly everything we feared it was http://gizmodo.com/... pic.twitter.com/Dr4N3PtFPm Kerry Flynn / @kerrymflynn: Another one for day's damning stories about Facebook. Disrespect for journalism in curators team http://gizmodo.com/... by @MichaelFNunez Joseph Lichterman / @ylichterman: “They have it down to a science,” said one former curator. “We were truly slaves to the algorithm.” http://gizmodo.com/... ? Patrick Lucas Austin / @patbits: This is the best article about Facebook I've read all year: http://gizmodo.com/... Justin Miller / @justinjm1: EXPOSED: Facebook uses young journalism contractors to pick what's “trending” http://gizmodo.com/... David Weiner / @daweiner: If people think that whatever's popular will always win out on Facebook, then they're deluding themselves.pic.twitter.com/W2HC2mX4qj Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: Story says Facebook curators were specifically told not to refer to Twitter and just say “social media” http://gizmodo.com/... Erin Griffith / @eringriffith: “They were also discouraged from mentioning Twitter by name in headlines and summaries.” http://gizmodo.com/... hr. http://daringfireball.net/linked/2016/05/03/facebook-trending-news http://nymag.com/selectall/2016/05/the-secret-behind-facebook-s-trending-topics-bar.html https://twitter.com/jwherrman/status/727565462104592385 #media #socialmedia #business #moronism