h1. JavaScript vs No JavaScript War of May 2016 "Regressive Web Apps" https://adactio.com/journal/10708 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11770774 br. The geeks get fired up easily, and I like it. Both sides are right. When I *log into* sites that provide functions such as: * email * server hosting (managing DNS) * tax preparing * banking * publishing I expect some kind of JavaScript enhanced interface, and when it is done elegantly, the experience is pleasant and satisfactory. I complete the desired tasks, and I move on. Could those web sites/apps/services function with JavaScript disabled? Probably, but the experience could be a bit clunkier and slower. When just enough JavaScript is used, then that's fine. Elegance over extravagance. The focus should be on utility. When I access sites that do not require me to login, and those sites are focused on marketing a movie, a game, or it's an artist's website, then I expect a fancy experience that makes heavy use of JavaScript. I'm not concerned about page size nor page load speed. I'm not interested in utility. I'm I like reading text-heavy content sites with JavaScript disabled. I'm not logged into the sites.