h1. Toledo Weather - Mon, Jun 6, 2016

It appears that the SPC may upgrade today's risk for severe weather.


br. Excerpts from the SPC's 11:41 a.m. EDT Mesoscale Discussion

a categorical upgrade to slight risk is being planned for the 1630z day 1 convective outlook...for portions of the lower great lakes and ohio valley region. clusters of fast-moving thunderstorms with damaging wind gusts will likely move across the area this afternoon.

the latest observational data and short-range model guidance offer increasing confidence that fast-moving convective clusters will have the potential to produce dmgg wind gusts across portions of the lower great lakes and ohio valley region this afternoon. this activity will be in association with a vigorous upper-level disturbance approaching the area from the wnw...ahead of which a destabilizing air mass will exist amidst strong deep-layer flow. 

 #toledo #weather