h1. tt post - tue, jun 7, 2016

* https://www.airnow.gov
* http://airquality.weather.gov

br. _"I've seen these normally combined with air quality alerts, which still happen."_

"Currently":https://www.wunderground.com/US/OK/025.html in Oklahoma City:

Air Quality Alert

Issued: 2:26 PM CDT Jun. 6, 2016 – National Weather Service

... Air quality alert in effect for Tuesday... 

The following statement was *issued by the Oklahoma department of environmental quality.* 

An air quality alert for ozone has been issued for Tuesday... 
June 7... for the Oklahoma City metropolitan area due to expected
*high concentrations of ozone.*

Persons with existing heart or respiratory ailments should reduce
physical exertion and outdoor activity.

The general public is encouraged to help alleviate the problem by
reducing vehicle miles traveled by riding the bus... carpooling... or
avoiding unnecessary trips.  The public is also asked to avoid
refueling during the morning and early afternoon hours... and to
avoid the use of two cycle engines such as lawn mowers... 
motorcycles... weedeaters... and outboard engines. It is also advised
to limit outdoor burning.

br. "Tomorrow":https://www.wunderground.com/US/TX/118.html in the Dallas area.

Air Quality Alert
Issued: 1:56 PM CDT Jun. 7, 2016 – National Weather Service

... *Ozone action day* ... 

The *Texas commission on environmental quality* (tceq) has issued
an ozone action day for the Dallas-Fort Worth area for Wednesday,
June 8, 2016.

Atmospheric conditions are expected to be favorable for producing
high levels of ozone air pollution in the Dallas-Fort Worth area
on Wednesday. You can help prevent ozone pollution by sharing a
ride, walking, riding a bicycle, taking your lunch to work,
avoiding drive-through lanes, conserving energy, and keeping your
vehicle properly tuned.  

br. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ozone_Action_Day

An Ozone Action Day, which can be declared by a local municipality, county or state ...

br. Maybe the "Ohio EPA":http://www.epa.state.oh.us/ or the City of Toledo's "Division of Environmental Services":http://toledo.oh.gov/services/public-utilities/environmental-services/ would issue Air Quality Alerts or Ozone Action Days.

* "2016-2017 Ohio Air Monitoring Network Plan":http://www.epa.ohio.gov/Portals/27/ams/sites/AirMonitoringNetwork16-17.pdf - pdf file
* "2016 Toledo Air Monitoring Sites":http://www.epa.ohio.gov/Portals/27/ams/sites/2016/2016_Toledo_all.pdf - pdf file
* "Air Monitoring":http://www.epa.ohio.gov/dapc/ams/amsmain.aspx#126983978-airohio
* "Current Air Quality Map":http://wwwapp.epa.ohio.gov/gis/mapportal
* "AirOhio, Air Monitoring Data":http://www.epa.ohio.gov/dapc/airohio/index.aspx

br. _"Ozone Action DAYS aren't a thing anymore. Now it's Ozone Action Season, May thru October.  To get forecasts of ozone levels send an email to: ENV.INFORMATION@toledo.oh.gov"_

* "Toledo Division of Environmental Services":http://toledo.oh.gov/services/public-utilities/environmental-services/
** "Air":http://toledo.oh.gov/services/public-utilities/environmental-services/air-monitoring
*** The air monitoring page does not exist. Server returns a 404 error: "File or directory not found".

* TMACOG : "2016 Ozone Action Season":http://www.tmacog.org/ozoneactionseason.htm

Thank you to the City of Toledo Division of Environmental Services staff for distributing forecasts throughout the ozone season ...

Ozone Forecast:  
Monday, June 6, 2016— Good
Tuesday, June 7, 2016 – Good
Wednesday, June 8, 2016 – Good
Thursday, June 9, 2016— Satisfactory

Does the air quality index contain a color-coded "dashboard" like the water index?
