tt post june 16, 2016 - a justread comment: q. Assuming you do not have an EZ Pass: Ohio: $4.50 Indiana: $10.20 q.. Indiana's regular toll fee has more than doubled in eight years. Late last decade when I "drove": to DeKalb often, I paid the following regular tolls: * Ohio = $2.75 * Indiana = $4.15 When Indiana implemented iZoom (renamed E-ZPass), and Ohio implemened E-ZPass, both states increased the costs of their regular toll fees by approximately the same percentage as the savings with E-ZPass. Kind of like a business increasing the cost of a widget by 20 percent and then offering a coupon for 20 percent off to attract bargain hunters. Eventually, I purchased an iZoom to enjoy the "savings" but that damn thing charged me a small monthly fee even if I didn't use the toll road. I don't know if that's still the case with today's E-ZPass. If you drive the toll roads many times a year, then an E-ZPass makes sense. But if rarely, then I don't see the point. For me, it became one more bullshit thing to maintain: account, password, credit card, etc. And that's fine if you are a heavy user of the turnpike. But since now I rarely drive the turnpike in either direction because I prefer to go north, I don't own an E-ZPass. F*ck the NSA :) --that will probably get me added to a no-fly list. i'm investing in pack mules.--