h1. Magee Marsh Dragonflies - Fri, Sep 24, 2010 my sep 24, 2010 blog post to the oybc facebook page, using the old-style notes functionality. https://www.facebook.com/notes/ohio-young-birders-club/magee-marsh-dragonflies/443556198303 hr. Friday's strong southwest winds caused numerous dragonflies to seek a little shelter along the Magee Marsh east beach trail. Dozens of Autumn Meadowhawks, Common Green Darners, and Black Saddlebags were seen Friday afternoon along with a few Eastern Pondhawks, Blue Dashers, a Lance-tipped Darner, and two Red Saddlebags. I was able to get within a couple inches of one Red Saddlebags that perched on a twig. The southwest winds may slow the songbird migration along the lake shore, but it enables good viewing of some migrant dragons. Female Red Saddlebags - Magee Marsh beach trail - Sep 24, 2010 !https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8137/28725076023_4ab3c4c3e8_o.jpg! Female Red Saddlebags - Magee Marsh beach trail - Sep 24, 2010 !https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8278/28725075773_04074154b2_o.jpg! The winds are shifting, which should improve the songbird viewing on the Magee Marsh boardwalk this weekend and diminish the ode activity on the beaches. But drive carefully. Northern Leopard Frogs are crossing the causeway. #photo #insect #park