Resolved - Auto-place cursor on input fields #resolved #junco *completed 22jul2013 - opted for HTML5 attr autofocus* Save user from one additional click and movement. Will require a little JavaScript. Ensure that page degrades gracefully if .js is disabled. * After clicking on the "login" link, place cursor in text input field for username/e-mail * After clicking the "search" link, place cursor in text input field. * When creating a new post with the basic displays, place cursor in textarea box. * When logged-in and applicable and on the homepage, place cursor in the textarea box for the microblog post. h2. stackoverflow jquery : h2. Autofocus Simple HTML attribute called "autofocus" works with text input fields and textarea boxes. q. The autofocus attribute is a boolean attribute. When present, it specifies that the text area should automatically get focus when the page loads. The autofocus attribute is supported in Internet Explorer 10, Firefox, Opera, Chrome, and Safari. The autofocus attribute is new for the