toledo blade webpagetest results oct 21, 2016 the above article contained one small stock image that was sized 225 x 150 pixels. 6.8 KB - nearly 7,000 bytes for the image. the plain text size of the article, including: * category name * title * subtitle * byline * published date and time * article body * phone and email contact info for the writer * tag names for the article equaled 2,339 bytes of raw, plain text. word count for all of the above was 390. for just the body of the article, the main part that's read, the numbers were: 1,879 bytes and 316 words. From: Dulles, VA - Chrome - Cable 10/21/2016, 5:35:08 PM first view fully loaded: 11.697s 382 requests 3,838 KB actually, that's not bad for the blade. it's still horrible. nearly 4 megabytes?? but prior to the blade's switch to a redesign back in june or so, a simple article would make around 1,000 requests, and the download size would be over 5 megabytes. at least the blade did something different compared to most of the media industry, and it trimmed down its web pages some. another test From: Lincoln, Nebraska USA - Chrome - Cable 10/21/2016, 5:42:28 PM 23.799s 478 requests 3,203 KB