JR : profile
[[Bookmarks Lite 5|Bookmarks]]
*My Photos of Toledo Area Sights*
|Magee Marsh causeway traveler|Lake Erie at Magee Marsh|Ground Hog's Day in Toledo suburb|
|at our West Toledo home|crunchy Maumee River|tame deer at Magee Marsh|
|at home|Swan Creek in Warehouse District|Erie St. Farmer's Market|
|at home|Fleitz's Pumpkin Farm|St. Clair St. in Warehouse District|
|at home|atop the Bartley Lofts|at home|
|Kitty Todd Nature Preserve|Toledo Botanical Garden|West Toledo intersection|
|Crane Creek State Park|3-on-3 hoops tourney downtown|Magee Marsh boardwalk|
|Art event in Uptown|Toussaint Wildlife Area|at home|