h1. GitHub Commits

h3. Wren

Dec 16, 2016 and Jan 6, 2017

* updated http://wren.soupmode.com/wren-installation.html to reflect editor name changes.
* created http://wren.soupmode.com/wren-webmention.html 
* need to update the API doc to mention the webmentions API url
** http://wren.soupmode.com/wren-api.html
* [X] update the README in the docs dir and the main repo dir
** http://wren.soupmode.com/wren-readme.html


h3. To-Do

* Scaup formatting page?? - "article":http://jothut.com/cgi-bin/junco.pl/blogpost/51256/04Mar2015/Scaup-Formatting-Help-Page