h1. Add webmention client code to Junco h2. Dvlp to-dos (3oct2013) * [X] same source post URL can be posted only once to the target. * [X] create new get_blog_post subroutine check for target. * [X] webmentions can only be posted when the blog post contains the blog_username tag. * [X] add the webmention=no command to disable the option for a blog post. * [X] currently, webmentions will remain unavailable for microblog posts. * [X] look for the e-content microformat property on html5 section tag. h2. Microformats using: http://search.cpan.org/~gaas/HTML-Parser-3.71/lib/HTML/TokeParser.pm To get a webmention (source) reply post to appear at the target website, wrap the source post with an h-entry microformat code.
Published by W. Developer on
In which I extoll the virtues of using microformats.
Blah blah blah