h1. GitHub Commits *finally committed the three sections below on mar 28, 2017: veery-api-nodejs, veery-client-nodejs, and wren. not scaup info.* h3. Veery-API-NodeJS - NEW * all files in js directory h3. Veery-Client-NodeJS * js / pageglobals.js * js / showpost.js * js / editpost.js * js / login.js * js / logout.js * js / stream.js * js / changestatus.js h3. Wren * tmpl / nocss.tmpl - NEW * tmpl / header.tmpl * tmpl / slideshow.tmpl - NEW * tmpl / inc_articlehtml.tmpl * tmpl / customarticle.tmpl * tmpl / inc_minified-css.tmpl * lib / API / Format.pm * bin / rebuildallhtml.pl * root / css / wren.css h3. Scaup * Scaup formatting page?? - "article":http://jothut.com/cgi-bin/junco.pl/blogpost/51256/04Mar2015/Scaup-Formatting-Help-Page