h1. GitHub Commits http://jothut.com/cgi-bin/junco.pl/blogpost/88931/Gists-to-create h3. Wren committed on jul 31, 2017 Jul 24, 2017 * inc_notehtml.tmpl - needs committed to boghop repo and it needs copied to boghop production. h3. projects add links to partially working mapping projects from 2005 * http://www.toledotalk.com/maps * http://www.toledotalk.com/wifi h3. Wren * update Wren docs at wren.soupmode.com and copy to local git directory and commit to wren repo. ** http://wren.soupmode.com/wren-user-guide.html - new power commands *** reply_to : [url] *** syn_to : twitter ** http://wren.soupmode.com/wren-webmention.html - update section about sending a webmention ** need to update docs about indieauth and micropub too and what to include in a post and how those features work and why they are useful * update all docs, related to indieauth, micropub, and webmentions. reply_to and syn_to commands. any html that's needed in particular posts. the note type of post now supported. posting from a micropub client. replying to someone else's post via woodwind.xyz which uses micropub and then wren uses webmentions to send response. * maybe create new indieweb-related file(s) * micropub client info, such as quill's fancy medium.com-like editor and creating a post via email. h3. Scaup * Scaup formatting page?? - "article":http://jothut.com/cgi-bin/junco.pl/blogpost/51256/04Mar2015/Scaup-Formatting-Help-Page