tt post oct 5, 2017 - b


Don't bring me down, bro. Your negative comment rattles my faith in humanity.

As Mariner suggested, that "sounds like": something from Orwell's allegory  _Animal Farm_ where the pigs violate their own commandments of decency by settling on:

bq. "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."

The sentence is a comment on the hypocrisy of governments that proclaim the absolute equality of their citizens but give power and privileges to a small elite.

If inequality exists in Toledo and Lucas County, Ohio for something benign like the opening of restaurants, bars, and other small businesses, then it's naive to expect equality in broader, more important areas of life.

The worst part is not the actions of government or the so-called elite because they are acting as expected. Most everyone else tolerating  the pigs behavior is unfortunate.

But as long as the businesses finally open and my meal and drinks are served quickly and with quality at a reasonable price, then I'm satisfied, especially when I'm eating  carnitas tacos. Who has the energy  to care about anything else?