Yarn Cravin Summer 2013 News and Events http://www.yarncravin.com - Perrysburg * Don’t miss the Fiber Art Exhibit at 577 Foundation on *June 8; 10-5 & 9; 12-5.* Bring your knitting and stay a while! They have live music, art demonstrations along with the juried fiber art exhibit. http://www.fiber577.com/ - Over 75 pieces of juried fiber art will be displayed in the beautiful and stately residential setting of The 577 Foundation House. Visitors will also be able to enjoy a variety of artist demonstrations and can make some fiber art of their own in the Pop-Up Art Studio. This year’s judge is nationally acclaimed fiber artist "Renee Harris,":http://www.reneeharris.net/ (Cincinnati, Ohio). * Knit in Public - Two Saturdays this year! *June 8 & 15th.* Join us either day or BOTH!! Bring a lawn chair and your knitting. You can bring a lunch, order one or leave a while to eat and come back. We will also have some fun prizes too! * We are offering "Summer Camp Workshops.":http://www.insanknitty.blogspot.com/2013/05/its-time-for-summer-camp-2013.html Each week we have a different project or group of projects offered. The cost is $5.00 plus supplies for each week. We offer help anytime Tuesday thru Friday for the project of that week. Samples are displayed at the shop and pictures are on our blog www.insanknitty.blogspot.com * Yarn Crawl - Mark your calendar!!! It is the I-75 Yarn Crawl to be exact. August 8-10th, 2013. For more details visit: www.I75yarncrawl.com Yarn Cravin' will be the Northern-most shop on the Yarn Crawl. There are currently 10 shops committed to this event. Each shop will have one project for crafters. #knitting