1 min

This is a test post from the split-screen writing area

It's Friday morning, around 7:30 a.m. EDT, and it's already August 9, 2013.

The summer is whizzing by. The weather has been amazing.


Today marks the three weeks of below normal temps. The high temps have been mainly in the 70s with some days only registering high temps in the 60s. We've hit 80 degrees a couple times.

Low temps have been in the 50s and the 60s. I turned our window AC units off three weeks ago today. Sometimes, I run the window fan at night in our bedroom, but on some nights, I don't need the fan.

Stunning weather for late July and early August, but I like it. It feels more like northern Michigan weather.

The entire summer from June 1st to now has been comfortable. We've only experienced a few days when temps hit 90 degrees or higher. The longest stretch of hot and humid weather lasted four or five days, and it ended three weeks ago today or yesterday.

The forecast for the next seven days shows more of the same with highs in the 70s and lows in the 50s and 60s with one or two days possibly reaching 80 degrees.

Mid-August is usually when our summer weather "breaks," which means we begin experiencing the kind of weather that we've had over the past three weeks. But even in mid to late August, we don't normally get such a long stretch of 70-degree weather.


The garden is progressing well. More eggplants are ready to be harvested. Plenty of green tomatoes exist. The cooler weather has probably delayed the tomato ripening. Peppers are also ready to be harvested.

Lately, we've been enjoying our garden eggplants sliced thin on our homemade pizzas.

#weather - #garden

From JR's : articles
291 words - 1634 chars - 1 min read
created on
import date 2013-08-12 21:53:22 - #
source - versions

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