2 min

Test posts from March 2005 that mentioned my cat Beanie

I created the Parula app in 2005. It was mainly a wiki. I began using it in 2005 at ToledoTalk.com. I called it Lewiki. LEW = Lake Erie West region.

Lewiki ran alongside the ToledoTalk message board that functioned like MetaFilter.com.

In August 2007, I closed down the old MeFi style of Toledo Talk, and made the Parula app the main tool to power ToledoTalk.com.

The Parula code continued to change over time into more of a traditional message board feel.

Anyway, when testing my Parula code in March 2005, I created a couple test posts related to Beanie, my cat who passed away on March 8, 2005.

I'm not doing so well today. My sugar levels must be too high because I spent most of the morning and early afternoon drinking water. By early afternoon, John gave me three shots of insulin: 5, 3, 4 units.

I went outside but for only a few minutes. The snow and cold is too much for me now. John gave me and Comet some catnip this afternoon. That got me charged up. I ate some more canned food, and I finally went to sleep in the corner chair in the backroom.

The new major problem is my right eye. I can't see out of it now. My pupil stays nearly shut even in low light. Probably not a lot of time left for me in this sphere.

Last night was quite snuggly with John. I joined John in bed around 12:30 a.m. I got between Deb and John. Both were petting me. I went down for food at 1:45. John came with me. We went back upstairs, and I snuggled up next to him on his left side until around 4:30 when I went down for more food on my own. I went back upstairs and went to sleep on John's chest until around 6:00. He woke and I moved over into Deb's spot in bed after she got up. Then John and I got up finally around 7:00. A very restful and cozy night. John had his arm and hand around me most of the time I was beside him.

posted by beanie on Mar 03, 2005 at 06:43:22 PM #


Beanie, rest in peace, my cherished friend. I miss you so much. I can't believe it's already been two weeks since you passed on March 8. The mornings are hard now that I don't have you bossing me around. I sorely miss you snuggling with me. I will think you of you daily.

Wolfgang misses you. He's still howling in different places of the house. He searches the rooms for you. Who would have thunk it?

Take care.

posted by john on Mar 23, 2005 at 05:24:14 PM #

From JR's : articles
460 words - 2378 chars - 2 min read
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