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Creating new blog tool based upon Junco and Kinglet
#todo - #programming - #blogging
I created Kinglet from Junco code. I'd like to create a smaller blogging tool based upon ideas and code from both Junco and Kinglet.
App name options:
- Modo
- Veery
- Tanager
- Scaup
- Grebe
- Development and Design:
- API first development like Kinglet.
- Build the server-side API code first, and then create the "client" code that interacts with the browser.
- Responsive design
- Keep the CSS significantly simpler and smaller this time. I start out that way but end up with too much CSS.
- Markup support:
- pick one of either Markdown, Multimarkdown, or Textile
- most likely it will either be Multimarkdown or Textile because of the additional features, such as tables and footnotes.
- some basic HTML commands will be supported too.
- will the special embed commands for other media types exist?
- will my long-time customized markup commands exist?
- if going for a simpler app, then some things will need to be left out of the code, otherwise, it ends up being Junco except designed with API first, which I would prefer to have, but I'd like to do this incrementally with the existing Junco code.
- User Accounts:
- (signup - Signup - show_signup_form)
- (createnewuser - Signup - create_new_user)
- E-mail activation link
- (acct - Signup - activate_account)
- (login - Login - login)
- (newpassword - Password - create_new_password)
- (user - Profile - show_user)
- (settings - UserSettings - show_user_settings_form)
- (changepassword - Password - change_password)
- (customizeuser - UserSettings - customize_user)
- (savedchanges - UserSettings - show_user_changes)
- (logout - Logout - logout)
- save login
- Blog Posts:
- (blogpostform - BlogAdd - show_blog_post_form)
- (addarticle - BlogAdd - add_blog_post)
- permit namespace titles?
- enforce unique titles?
- (blogpost - BlogDisplay - show_blog_post)
- (source - BlogSource - show_blog_source)
- (versions - BlogVersions - show_version_list)
- (compare - BlogCompare - compare_versions)
- use related blog posts? (relatedblogposts - BlogRelated - show_related_blog_posts)
- (blog - Stream - show_blog_stream) - blog home page
- will toc command exist?
- will showintro command exist?
- will draft command exist? (draft - Stream - show_draft_blog_stream)
- no need for the private command.
- for logged-in owner, (deleteblog - BlogDelete - delete_blog)
- for logged-in owner, (undeleteblog - BlogUndelete - undelete_blog)
- is it necessary to provide an archives? (blogarchives - Archives - show_archives)
- necessary? (blogarchivepage - Stream - show_archives_month_year)
- (edit - BlogEdit - edit_blog_post)
- (updateblog - BlogUpdate - update_blog_post)
- will provide both the simple and enhanced writing areas
- will not provide the wiki-like double-bracket linking.
- will i provide backlinks (backlinks - Backlinks - show_backlinks) since backlinks can be created by linking to another post with a regular URL and not just with the wiki double-bracket linking?
- Search
- (search - Search - search)
- (searchform - Search - display_search_form)
- (tags - Search - show_tags)
- hashtags (tag - Search - tag_search)
- (tagscounts - Search - show_tags_by_counts)
- will i need this the 30 most used tags display? (tagscountstop - Search - show_tags_by_top_counts)
- will i need the tagcloud display?
- do not need the special "blog_" tag.
- (rss - RSS - get_rss)
- blog posts
- search string results
- hashtag search results
- by user and overall or just overall?
- Replies
- if multi-user mode, will i allow users to post replies to each others blog posts? seems like a reasonable explanation. will replies be limited to 300 chars like with Junco replies, which means they are like microblog posts, or will replies in this blogging tool be permitted to be longer with the same formatting options as a blog post except for editing?
- (reply - Reply - show_reply_form)
- (addreply - Reply - add_reply)
- (replies - Reply - show_replies)
- (repliesstream - Reply - show_replies_stream)
- i think the replies stream is for showing the replies by others to my blog posts. will this be available? This also seems like a reasonable option to provide for a multi-user site. May as well install Junco.
- Etc:
- (showerror - Function - do_invalid_function)
- don't need last blog post viewed for logged-in user.
- will i add the text resizer (textsize - TextSize - set_text_size)
I guess when I have thought about creating a simpler blogging tool, I was thinking it would be a single-user site. I may not even have the code to create user accounts. Maybe the username is added to the config file. Request new password would exist, but no account sign-up form, no account creation, no activation link.
Single-user mode would eliminate other additional features like different types of stream views and replies.
Even if it's a multi-user blog tool, I will not provide following users and following tags. That's Junco.
From JR's : articles
732 words - 4818 chars
- 4 min read
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