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TT comment Jul 16, 2014

From that Jul 16, 2014 post :

What Toledo doesn’t need… is to be bullied; especially by one of our own residents.

EconCat88 is Toledo’s biggest bully and #1 enemy number.

The sum of $1, yes one dollar, will be paid to the person(s) who divulges any knowledge leading to the unmasking of Toledo’s Biggest Bully.

I would consider the July 16 post to be a form of Internet bullying, or as historymike described it, "virtual terrorism."

Using bully tactics to complain about a so-called bully may invalidate the point of the website.

More from that post:

The part that bothers me the most is he’s doing all this damage anonymously; he is cowardly hiding behind a screen name.

There is no honor in hiding behind a camera video after video, while trying to embarrass the city where you live. There is no courage in anything you, Mr. EconCat88 are doing.

He calls EconCat88 a coward. Yet he writes:

I want every resident to know whom and to where to send their thanks, praise and adulation.

Does he really want "thanks, praise, and adulation" sent to EconCat88, or was the author being sarcastic? If the latter, then what are the real intentions? What does the author really want to happen? If the author is courageous, unlike EconCat88, then the author should define what he really wants to happen to EconCat88 with an outing. = Virtual terrorism ??

The author states:

The saddest part is I don’t believe EconCat88 is intelligent enough to understand the damage he is inflicting on Toledo’s future. I am surprised he has figured out how to upload videos on YouTube.

But the above statement is stupid. Toledo's population and business landscape began declining in the late 1960s or early 1970s, at least 30 years before YouTube was launched.

In my opinion, videos either way will have no impact on Toledo's future because successful investors are not that simple-minded.

The author calls EconCat88 unintelligent, yet he makes another absurd point in a June 19, 2014 post

If I were a CEO of a business looking to relocate my company or to build a new office/warehouse in expansion, I would do some extensive researching, and I would likely start with a simple Google search.

Any CEO or business man who would Google the city of Toledo would find such attractive stories like “Most Miserable City”, “Worst Winter”, Gang Maps and John Stainbrook.

Let me ask you… if your only way to learn about the “Glass City” was by reading the Toledo Blade, would you move your business or start a new office here?

EconCat88 has focused some of his negative opinions on downtown Toledo, but Promedica and now Lathrop have announced intentions to move downtown.

I doubt that a successful CEO will base a decision on a simple Google search. I'm guessing that the CEO is only concerned about remaining successful, and when moving or starting a new business, a huge number of variables get considered that are probably much more important than newspaper stories and social media content.

And besides, if Toledo's current situation is so fragile that YouTube videos could destroy all hope of a positive future, then the city is already gone.

More from the July 16 post:

Econcat88 offers no solution to any problem at any time during any video.

But apparently, the author provided a solution in his June 19 post:

To fix an issue as big as blight, a city must have extra capital. To gain extra monies, the city needs to increase it’s tax base. To increase the tax base a city must add jobs and new businesses. It is simple mathematics.

Add jobs and news businesses. That's his solution. Open a jar or a box of new jobs and new businesses and just add water. I'll check for a starter kit.

A relatively old term exists called "Detroitification." It basically means that bad political decisions and a struggling public school system has encouraged residents and businesses to leave the urban center for the surrounding communities.

I wonder if the author has researched the destructive actions, if any, by Toledo government over the past 50 years. Taxes, fees, assessments, over-regulating, bureaucracy, incompetence, malfeasance, misplaced priorities, cronyism, nepotism. None of that has occurred in Toledo government over the past 50 years, correct?

In my opinion, it appears that the author opposes freedom of expression, freedom of the press, and diversity.

From the June 19 post:

Once again the Toledo Blade is doing a “Special Report” investigative series on another negative issue affecting Toledoans. In the past, the daily newspaper has showcased Toledo by focusing on our “Brain Drain” and gang problems, even evoked legal action to get a special gang map. This time the Toledo Blade wants to tell and show the world about our blight issue ...

For some, that's called journalism. I don't see any problem with it. If you don't like, don't read it.

From the's July 16 post:

Mr. EconCat88; if you wish to remain anonymous, I strongly suggest deleting your YouTube videos and page.

In my opinion, the author wants to control web content by forcing others to post content that's agreeable to the author. What happened to different points of views? Back to one of my favorite sayings:

"I want to force others to accept my brand of tolerance."

If we're going to be overly dramatic about how Blade stories and EconCat88 videos can harm Toledo's future, then in my opinion, the the July 16, 2014 post is equally destructive to Toledo.

It's a disturbing post, and hopefully, the thinking is not widely accepted by Toledoans, otherwise, that would definitely be a reason not to remain here or move here.

From JR's : articles
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