7 min

Toledo area sources of water - Sun, Aug 3, 2014

Sun, Aug 3, 2014

Access the following links:

From the above posts:

Residents must bring their own containers to fill. Prior to use, residents are encouraged to boil the water if the containers are not considered potable

Toledo Distribution

The city of Toledo is distributing emergency water at the following locations:

- Central Catholic High School, 2250 Cherry Street, Toledo, Ohio 43608

- Waite High School, 301 Morrison Drive, Toledo, Ohio 43605

- Woodward High School, 701 East Central Avenue, Toledo, OH 43608

- Springfield High School, 1470 South McCord Rd, Holland, OH 43528

- UT's Scott Park campus, 2260 Nebraska Ave, Toledo, OH 43607

Water Stations

Water stations that are open now are:

- Oregon Fire Department Station #1 located at 5002 Seaman Rd (open 8-8 Sunday)

- Oregon Fire Department Station #2 located at 1102 S. Wheeling St (open 8-8 Sunday)

- Oregon Fire Department Station #3 located at 4421 Bayshore Rd (open 8-8 Sunday)

- Village of Whitehouse Fire Department located at 10550 Waterville Street

- The Lake Township fire station at 1911 Ayers Rd in Millbury will fill up containers for free.

- Scott park campus of UT

- There is now free bottled water at the Bedford Township hall, according to County Commissioners

- The Jerusalem Township Fire Station at 9501 Jerusalem Road in Jerusalem Township is also filling up containers of water for free.

-Near Pemberville 17454 Aufderstrasse Rd. Bring your own jugs - and fill up on well water if you NEED to.

- Swanton Creek Water District - Township building on Country Rd. D and 5-2.

- Assumption (Holy Trinity School Parking Lot) from 8a – 8p. Bring your own container

- Metamora Fire Department Parking Lot, 251 Mill St, Swanton, OH

- Swanton Fire Department, 432 Church, Swanton, OH

- Warzone Paintgames, 5340 Centennial Rd, Sylvania, OH 43560

Water for purchase

- The Walgreens warehouse in Perrysburg is restocking all area Walgreens stores with water

- The Meijer on Alexis Road is getting water shipments

- Meijer in Rossford got water in and more is on its way.

- Save A Lot on Monroe/Detroit just restocked with cases of bottled water. Limit 5/customer

- Walmart located at 1815 in Napoleon, OH is getting 25 pallets of water delivered right now.

- Community Market in Delta - $1.50/case – Limit of 4

- Lots of water at Miller's New Market in Genoa!

- Fresh water well at Our Lady of Toledo Shrine in Oregon.655 S. Coy Road, one block north of Navarre Ave. Anyone welcome.

- Royal Auto Finance at Lewis and Laskey is giving away free bottled water until 7:30 tonight

-Gordon's Food Services on Navarre in Oregon - they water for sale: 35 packs for $6.

-Kroger at Alexis and Jackman in Toledo has 2 semi trucks full of bottled water

-Walmart in Glendale has gallon jugs of water coming off a truck now

-Shorelings Market on Bancroft by UT - they have plenty of water but no customers.

Monroe County

City of Monroe Water Department and Frenchtown Water Department are assisting residents in Monroe County impacted by the water emergency by distributing potable water. They have established water filling stations to allow residents to obtain potable water at the following locations:

Ida Township Hall
3016 Lewis Ave​
Ida, MI 48140

Manufacturer's Market Place/Hardwood Plaza (North of McDonald's)
14930 LaPlaisance Road
Monroe, MI 48161

Frenchtown Water Plant
5300 North Dixie Hwy
Monroe, MI 48162

Wood County

Northwestern Water & Sewer District Headquarters
12560 Middleton Pike (State Route 582)
Bowling Green, Ohio 43402

A watershed is available in the parking lot for you to fill your own containers. This site is supplied by the City of Bowling Green public water system.

Northwestern Water & Sewer District
Stoney Ridge Watershed
5501 Fremont Pike
Stoney Ridge, Ohio

This site is supplied by a water well so the water is safe but does not produce a lot of water.

Northwestern Water & Sewer District
Bowling Green Watershed
990 Haskins Road
Bowling Green, Ohio

This watershed site is supplied by the City of Bowling Green public water system.

Other links:

At 11:35 a.m. EDT on Sun, Aug 3, 2014, the City of Toledo posted a new update to its Facebook page.

Some excerpts:

  • The Governor, City of Toledo, Lucas County Emergency Management Agency, Lucas County, surrounding cities, law enforcement, and health and safety personnel are working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible.
  • Governor Kasich and his staff along with US EPA, Ohio EPA, The City of Toledo, Lucas County, Lucas County Emergency Management Agency conducted a conference call this morning to discuss the ongoing operations. All distribution sites are up and running.
  • To reassure the public as to the volume of the water being received at distribution centers, below is a snapshot of some of the water we are currently getting to distribution sites:
    • 33,000 gallons of potable water have been produced by the Ohio National Guard
    • 15,000 gallons in bladders (collapsible containers)
    • 9,000 cases of water
    • Additional deliveries are arriving on a regular basis
  • Any residents, who were provided water bladders in milk crates, are asked to return the milk crates to the distribution center where they picked them up.
  • Water at retail stores have been restocked and we will continue to keep water flowing.
  • Restaurants are to continue to remain closed this morning unless they can use bottled water for cooking, washing of dishes, and other proper areas of food preparation.

Around Noon today, my wife and I took our empty, food-safe, beer brewing equipment (mash tun Igloo cooler and fermenter buckets) to the Oregon City Fire Department, located at Seaman and Wynn roads and freely obtained about 18 gallons of water that we can share with neighbors.

No waiting at the station when we arrived. A very helpful State Patrolman and a Fireman loaded us up. They had at least two water hoses available. Apparently, no limit exists on the amount of water taken. I think that the patrolman said someone loaded up with over 200 gallons of water. I suppose that if you hauled in your own water tower, that might be an issue.

I wonder if local stores ran out of picnic coolers or other large food-grade containers.

The homebrewing section at Titgemeier's sells food-grade plastic buckets with lids and glass carboys at different sizes up to 6.5 gallons in case someone needs a device to haul a fair amount of water without resorting to dozens of plastic bottles.

Sat, Aug 2, 2014 - Lou posted to the Glass City Mashers Facebook page

As I understand from an EPA seminar a month or so back about this water issue; it is a cytobacteria that is part of a new algal problem that has been occurring on Lake Erie and inland reservoirs. The hardest part is for treatment is to attack and stop the algae, you lyse the cells, which releases the microcystin toxins. Due to the size of Lake Erie, treating at the source is impossible. Once the toxin levels increase, they are forced to issue alerts. I am not totally sure on the dangers, but I do know that you can take it in through the skin, so thus the bathing problem. Boiling doesn't help, as the toxins are no longer biologic but of a chemical nature. Anything rinse could harbor the toxin. I'm not even sure on Reverse osmosis for water treatment at that point. Best bet is to not use it for any brewing endeavors and to out source your water until the alert has been lifted. Also, make sure to flush all the bad water out of your different taps to clear the bad water once the system is restored.

From JR's : articles
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