1 min
Toledo area sources of water - Sat, Aug 2, 2014
Below are for Aug 2, 2014
I believe these are all free sources:
- The city of Toledo will be giving away one case of water per family, starting at the following times and locations:
- 5:00 P.M.
- Waite High School, 301 Morrison Drive, Toledo, Ohio 43605
- 6:00 P.M.
- Woodward High School, 701 East Central Avenue, Toledo, OH 43608
- Springfield High School, 1470 South McCord Rd, Holland, OH 43528
- 6:30 P.M.
- Central Catholic High School, 2250 Cherry Street, Toledo, Ohio 43608
- Mayor Collins urged residents not to line-up ahead of time. The Mayor said plenty of water will be available.
- 5:00 P.M.
- Oregon fire stations will fill your containers at:
- 5002 Seaman Rd (at Wynn)
- 102 S. Wheeling St.
- 4421 Bay Shore Rd, Oregon OH
- Northwood Fire Station 2 will fill your containers. They're using Oregon water.
- Lutheran Church of Delta will fill your containers until 2 p.m.
- The Lake Township fire station at 1911 Ayers Rd in Millbury will fill your containers.
- Luna Pier Fire Station, 4268 Luna Pier Road, Luna Pier, MI
- Bedford Township Hall, 8100 Jackman Road, Bedford Township, MI
- Whitehouse
- 10550 Waterville street.
- Current limit is 5 gallons per family
- WNWO studios, 300 S. Byrne Rd.
- 200 gal of FREE water avail.
- bring ur own jug. No limit
12:53 p.m. tweet by Taylor Dungjen:
Lima residents will be Toledo bound this afternoon, bringing cases of water to Monroe/Secor Kroger, to give away for free.
Area stores are restocking or already have water for purchase.
- Costco in Brighton Mi has water left. 18 palettes no limit.
4:16 p.m. Sat, Aug 2 tweet by Taylor Dungjen:
Kroger: 16 truckloads of water were diverted to Toledo; another 16 will be sent up later today. Stores will impose 4 cases/family limit.
Above info from:
- https://twitter.com/taylordungjen
- http://localwiki.net/toledo/%23emptyglasscity
- http://www.toledonewsnow.com/story/26180737/where-to-get-water
- http://www.toledoblade.com/local/2014/08/02/Water-distribution-centers-set-up-across-area.html
- http://www.13abc.com/story/26178497/urgent-message-from-city-toledoans-asked-not-to-drink-or-boil-water
Other links:
- https://www.facebook.com/cityoftoledo
- https://twitter.com/taylordungjen
- https://twitter.com/ToledoNewsNow
- https://twitter.com/toledonews
- https://twitter.com/13abc
- https://twitter.com/tweetTOLEDO
- https://twitter.com/hashtag/emptyglasscity
- https://storify.com/toledoblade/do-not-drink-water-advisory-across-toledo-area
- http://www.iheart.com/live/1370-WSPD-1857 - Local hosts are broadcasting live
- http://tunein.com/radio/Toledo-Police-and-Lucas-County-Sheriff-s134422/ - police and sheriff scanner chatter
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