Tt water post aug 3 2014
Checking some Twitter feeds, since the City of Toledo Facebook page has not been updated since around 11:30 this morning:
Good stuff at upso's feed:
- 4:04 p.m. - Sounds like we will not get any answers on water toxicity levels tonight.
- 5:05 p.m. - Kasich + Collins: No timetable for when there will be safe, drinkable water.
- 5:27 p.m. - UPDATE: Health Department now says you can use tap water wash dishes. Wash with tap water & dry, then rinse with bottled water & dry
- 6:05 p.m. - BREAKING: Kaptur concerned that Ohio EPA withholding test results: Toledo's Friday night toxins test came back at almost three parts per bil
- 5:40 p.m. - Hospitals are directed that elective surgeries should be cancelled unless facility is using a surgery packet sterilized prior to 8/1/14.
- 5:40 p.m. - The new picture from space shows the algae bloom has increased in coverage since Friday.
- 5:55 p.m. - Marcy Kaptur: test results from Cincy lab on Toledo water may not be back until 9 p.m. Sun or early Mon.
- 3:58 p.m. "What you do here in response to this crisis could become a bit of national model." -- quote by National Wildlife Federation CEO
- Blade photo gallery. Looks like a kale, cucumber, and celery juice drink.
Some photos from various sources: - photo taken by a Quadcopter - post
"Stopped by Maumee Bay this afternoon, here's a quick aerial shot."
(we're ready for an Irish festival) - post
"Water flowing quick, no lines at @UToledo Scott Park campus. Military personnel dispensing. Saw city volunteers." - post
"Photo I took from my drone of the water distribution point at CCHS this afternoon."
Finally, a Swig Facebook post from this afternoon.
"Drink special today... The Lake Erie Algae Bloom - vodka, lemonade, lime syrup and gummy worm!"
From JR's : articles
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