1 min

My aug 22, 2014 toledo talk comment


"anyone else disturbed by the fact that the city of toledo hired a non toledo PR agency to handle this crisis?"

Well, Maumee receives Toledo water. That's disturbing for Maumee. Besides, Maumee is not China, I think.

From the Aug 22, 2014 Toledo Blade story titled Nervous residents snatch up water; city stresses quality remains safe

Hart Associates, a marketing and public relations firm in Maumee, already was a subcontractor on water treatment plant projects for the city and was the contractor handling public relations for the Toledo Waterways Initiative, the $521 million program to upgrade the wastewater treatment system, said Robert Reinbolt, chief of staff to Mayor D. Michael Collins.

Thursday was day three for the bogus rumor. The nervous people were two days late for their premature panicking.

One resident said:

"... so maybe it’s a rumor, maybe it’s not."

That's profound.

More from the Blade story:

Adam Geer, manager of the Food Town, said the store was selling three 24-bottle cases of water for $9.99, so many customers were leaving the store with six or nine cases.

And here's how reliable information is obtained in the swampy farmlands of northwest Ohio.

He said he had heard from a friend, who has a brother, who knows a lot of people, that officials are going to announce in the morning another “don’t drink” advisory

He probably heard it through his tin can, connected to a string.

All of a sudden, the Iraqi dinar seems like a worthwhile investment.

I can see Toledo making a Men's Health Magazine Top 10 list for most gullible cities.

From JR's : articles
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