GitHub uploads to make - July 14, 2013
July 10, 2013 - july 14, 2013 code changes
[[ForecastIO]] - new repo - july 14, 2013 code changes
- [x] lib / [[]] new
- [x] bin / [[]] new
ToledoWX - done on July 14, 2013
- [x] yml / wx.yml
- [x] bin /
- [x] bin / new
- [x] tmpl / forecastio.tmpl new
- [x] tmpl / moreradarsmaps.tmpl
- [x] tmpl / links.tmpl
- [x] tmpl / wxindex.tmpl
- [x] css / wx.css
[[DateTimeFormatter]] - new repo - done on July 14, 2013
- [x] lib / [[]] new
- [x] bin / new
- [x] bin / [[]] new
DateTimeUtils - - done on July 14, 2013
- [x] lib /
- (no test scripts yet) bin / any DateTimeUtils test scripts new
For ToledoWX file, add: - done on July 14, 2013
- [x] use of JSON pure Perl module
- [x] use of ForecastIO module
- [x] use of DateTimeFormatter module to support ForecastIO
From JR's : articles
150 words - 921 chars
created on
updated on
import date 2013-08-12 21:50:51
- #
- versions