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Create yet another publishing tool - Jan 2015
A January 2015 project.
Simple blog or note-taking web app.
- Nginx for the web server
- Node.js for the "client" code on the server
- API-based
- possibly create the initial API code in Perl
- then create the API code in Node.js
- use the Express framework for Node.js
- use Handlebars for templating
- use CouchDB for the data store
- use Redis as the caching server
This will be a simpler app than Grebe.
- account creation and the login procedure will not use a password
- use only Markdown as the formatting markup (node.js showdown)
- two types of posts: articles and notes
- notes will function like in the Grebe app with no char limits
- if no title, then a note. with title, then article.
- the home page will look like the stream view when logged into the Junco app with notes and articles displayed
- only the first 200 to 300 chars for notes and articles will be displayed in the stream view
- little text area box displayed at the top of the stream view when logged in, which can be used for either notes or articles
- click post link for a larger textarea box that can also used for both notes and articles
- no fancy blog-like display options for articles like in Junco with the blog_username tag and like with the default view for Grebe
- simplify CSS
- no homepage banner image
- borrow header and nav ideas from Grebe
- ability to display articles/notes/entire stream for a user??
- it will be multi-user
- do not put the delete/undelete functions on the stream display for logged-in users
- move delete/undelete to the article page
- will have a search function
- Do NOT include the following features:
- related articles
- view article source
- hashtags auto-linked and counts stored in separate view
Content Description
Are multiple types offered? article, draft, note. With the way Grebe works, a note is a draft, since both are not displayed on the front page. The only diffs are the draft has an official title line and the draft=yes command while a note has neither. So an article could be a "draft" by simply remaining as a post with no official title line, which is created with either the Markdown down single pound sign or the Textile h1. command.
_id : either a generated five-character alpha ID or the slug/URI title
title : works like Grebe
uri_title : this-is-a-test - not needed if the above _id field is based upon the URI title
markup_text : the entire original text, including title line, power commands, etc.
formatted_text : the body of the post to display. the title line is not included here
formatted_intro_text : new field for me. if the "more." command is used, then the HTML body text of the post that precedes the more. command is stored on this field
post_type : article or note
author_name : do I need an author_id??
created_date :
updated_date :
post_digest : is this still needed?
post_status : (o) open, (d) deleted
User Description
From JR's : articles
497 words - 2899 chars
- 2 min read
created on
updated on
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- versions
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